Me and my babies......I tried making a special day with them before our girl arrived.......just down time at home, reading books, a trip to the library, and just time together. This mama was sure sentimental (as I always am before a new baby arrives)......emotional over every little thing all day!
of course always emotional over who "won't be the baby anymore"......this big girl has been the baby the longest in our family for over 3 years now! but she sure is a sweet, sweet big sister! |
Arriving first thing Friday morning.....November 30.........excited, nervous, scared, anxious, ready to meet this sweet new baby girl! Are we really doing this again??!!! Here we go!
Here she is........MAGGIE STARKS WILLIS 9:29AM 7 lbs., 15 oz. 20 1/2 inches |
hello sweet Maggie! we are so blessed by your sweetness! |
our wonderful doctor! I've had a different doctor deliver all 4 of these babies......and Dr. Cunningham was one of the best! |

Sweet, sweet baby girl......we love you so! We are so blessed beyond all measure and thankful that the Lord has given us these 4 beautiful and healthy babies.........savoring and soaking in newbornness......for i know it all flies by too fast! so more later on Maggie's arrival, for now I'm going to savor and enjoy my sweet and precious newborn!