Enjoying our first snowfall here this past weekend!!

Isn't that the line to one of the songs in Charlie Brown Christmas? I believe so......as I should know since I think I can quote that movie right now--as when give the option to watch a movie, that is ALWAYS the top choice these days! We are Charlie Browned out around here!! We have a book, the movie, my mom even found a CB tree they can put in their room---they love it! We have also been working on some new scripture memory--we're trying to memorize part of Luke 2 for this advent season (and Reed likes to always tell us that is what Linus says). Anyways, lots of Christmas around here....we decorated this past weekend (still with our artificial tree--boo :(
I had hopes for a real tree this year since we are not traveling, but with all our house preparation going on Casey hasn't been home much, so basically there is no time to go in search for a real tree. Maybe one of these Christmas's we'll get to it. We've been doing our advent calendar (thanks to my friend
Rebekah with her wonderful list of verses & symbols--they look forward to it EVERY NITE!!! And just lots of music and singing.....we did a white elephant gift exchange with my family when we were together at Thanksgiving & I've been (well we all have been since it's in the car & the kids ask for it constantly!) enjoying my
new CD (thanks Sarah & Rusty :) Dave is a good friend of theirs.....& I love the sound as it reminds me of my Harry Connick Jr. Christmas cd. That's all for now, as I'm off to be productive while it's still naptime.....because I'm sure as soon as I do I will hear little people waking up :)