Well, you may think we're crazy as we attempted our first beach trip with women and children only! This past week my mom and sisters and 3 children headed down for a 5 day trip to Destin. We had fun and beautiful weather everyday, but long car rides with 3 little ones, and out of routines, well, can be alot at times. I think our kids had a great time! Reed definitely enjoyed the pool and beach and sand so much more than last year, as he was slightly timid at first but quickly warmed up and seemed to have a blast!

At Seaside.....the night we went of course was the only time we saw rain. So needless to say I had planned on more pictures there but didn't quite get to make very many there.

Loving the pool! He even made his mark as one day, oh yes, as we were in the baby pool I saw the floating up of, well, you know! Quickly we grabbed him and Emery-Claire out of the pool and went to inform the staff. They had it taped closed and had to shock it to clean it out! Only my child would be the one to shut down the pool---at least it was only the baby pool! I didn't have my camera with me for that one, but we will definitely not forget leaving our mark!

Our attempted evening photos on the beach. I seemed to get cuter ones of them individually more than a together one, so below is the best of the bunch! Our little finger sucker below had few pictures made that she wasn't sucking them! And Reed was having so much fun rolling around in the sand and having it all over himself. So this is the best for this year and it will do!