Thursday, July 30, 2009
2 weeks and we're making it!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Welcome...Mary Etta Caroline!
She is a sweet, sweet baby, and it all seems so surreal since just over a year ago we were in this same place with Emery-Claire. When the kids finally came to the hospital the other day to meet their new sibling it truly was crazy holding my new baby girl and watching my "other" baby be wheeled in her stroller. She just had these big sweet eyes not quite sure what to make of what was going on. I'm sure she wasn't really sure what her Mama was holding and why it was in her place. But she did well, she didn't fuss or whine, she just seemed to first sit there and take it all in. We all ate together and attempted to take a few pictures....they both are hard to sit still for a picture, so below are the best attempts we were able to get for now. Emery-Claire eventually perked up and smiled her precious little smile at me, even cried when she had to leave. I know it's best that I try and recover more this week and just help Mary Etta adjust into her new world--as her siblings are with my family until next weekend. Though with hormones and emotions flying around everywhere, it was a little hard walking into our quiet and empty house today. But I also know soon enough they will be home, and there will be lots to juggle in the weeks to come. We are thankful for each and every blessing from the Lord with these 3 healthy children, and wouldn't trade (though they are so close) the timing of all their arrivals. The Lord seems to be impressing upon Casey and my hearts this verse lately....
"Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them....."Psalm 127:5
It definitely seems to capture our season of life, and where the Lord has placed us right now. We know and trust and rest that He will enable us and sustain us!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Shepherding a Child's Heart

This weekend we had the privilege of going to hear the author Tedd Tripp, speak on his well known book Shepherding a Child's Heart. I've read the book a couple times over the past several years, and definitely had the privilege to see some very godly families around us truly live out it's principals. Though to hear the author speak himself with very personal examples, was so wonderful in really giving Casey and I a deeper vision of how we do want to raise up our children. We've had such great conversation through this of how purposeful and intentful all of our everyday life with them should be. We want to daily be intentional, not only in our formative instruction of the Gospel, but also all throughout the day in our informative instruction as well. One of Tedd's great points he stresses throughout the book and during this conference was how important it is to teach and train our children that by obeying they are within God's boundaries of blessings, meaning they are living a long life on the path toward righteousness. But if they get out of that circle of blessing they are not obeying/honoring not just us their parents, but God Himself....therefore they are headed down the wrong path that leads to sin and death. I just loved that visual picture of the circle and it's been so exciting to share that picture, and talk about with Reed this week. We definitely walked away feeling we have attempted to implement some of these thoughts and principals, but that we also got a bigger picture of what we are doing and desire to do is impact our children for the purpose of the furthering God's Kingdom, in the hopes that they may also influence and impact all our future generations for the Kingdom as well! So may our gracious Father in Heaven continue to enable us and give us strength to teach and train our children in His great and marvelous truths, because I certainly see that in trusting in my own strengths and abilities I fail time and time again. So all the glory be to Him!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Baby #3 Update.....
I thought I would update any of those out there that are interested in knowing that baby girl Willis is probably going to be arriving one week from tommorrow! Yes, it looks as though that would be the soonest (the other option would be probably next Friday). But basically by the end of next week we will be transitioning into a family of 5! Wow! I'm ready in the sense of I'm ready to sleep, feel more comfortable, etc. But definitely very nervous about the reality of 3 children under 3 years of age--and especially the 2 that will be basically 13-14 months apart! I know the Lord is going to sustain us, me, in all of this. I am excited to meet our little gal, but obviously just a little anxious of the change that lies ahead of us. I am just praying that this little one adapts into our family/the world as easily as the other two have. I can't believe it's already that time for her to be here....
Friday, July 3, 2009
Welcome baby Hudson!
Yesterday, we finally got to go meet new baby Hudson! He is now 4 weeks old (was born June 1st) to our dear friends and teamates, the Terrell family! We are so excited for them since having 3 girls they now finally have a sweet boy to add to their family! Reed and Emery-Claire loved playing with the big girls, and Casey and I had some great fellowship with Shane and Brit.
All the kids eating lunch....(left to right) Emery-Claire, Madison (6 years), Macey (4 1/2 years), Reed, and Hadley (2 1/2 years)...since Reed and Hadley are so close we always said we want them to marry, as we would love all being one another's in-laws one day!!Emery-Claire loved all the attention from the big girls. She is dancing to this little musical toy which they all loved watching.
Macey, Madison, and Reed with baby Hudson....Reed was so excited to see and so sweet with him. I guess a little picture of how he will be this time around with a new baby.
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