Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Red, white and blue!

Even though it's almost the end of the are some of our "4th" pictures........
Attempted picture of all 3......really impossible to have them all looking at the camera---just progress that they are all sitting still!

We actually had a somewhat filled weekend. We swam as a family Saturday afternoon.....this is big for those of you who know my husband and know he really doesn't care much for the sun. So the fact that he went swimming with the rest of us is HUGE! Then that evening we cooked out with some friends from church, and Sunday one of Casey's students from Georgetown that he spent several years discipling was married several weeks ago in Canada so we all headed to Shelbyville for a reception. So all in all our clan survived all the festivities we attended. We were spent at the end of the weekend....and no fireworks for us. Maybe next year when everyone is one year older it won't feel as taxing to attempt.
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