4 years ago today (September 23, 2006) at 9:47 am--we finally got to meet Reed Phillip

Celebrating 1st birthday

2nd birthday

Last year---3 years old

This morning....getting to use the "real" birthday plate for first time (Mommy didn't think before now we could use it and "not" break it) and enjoying his pumpkin/chocolate chip muffin

Family dinner with some of the Sigma Chi's tonight....he loves being with these guys, so this was a big treat they joined us for dinner at his choice of meal at Cane's!
Today my little man is turning 4 years old! I can't believe I really have a 4-year-old?!! I know as parents we are all so amazed at how fast they grow and change, but 4 years.......I do feel it was just the other day we were preparing for that first baby and soon going to the hospital awaiting to meet this little guy....and today all of that has been 4 years ago!
I know I usually love to do slideshows and show how much they've changed and grown, but honestly these past couple weeks have been so crazy/busy, I just haven't had a chance to get to it. So, for now, I think I'll just post a couple favorite pics showing how much he's changed and grown over the past 4 years.
I can't believe how God has blessed us with this little guy. Parenting is obviously full of joys, but also many challenges and hardships too---mostly a constant reflection to me of what a huge sinner I am and how desperately I need God's grace and mercy! I feel I'm constantly repenting to my children for my selfish heart/sin against them. But somehow (not because of anything I've done for sure)I do see the Spirit at work in Reed, as he is so tender hearted and beginning to somewhat grasp (of course on a 4-year-old type of level) some basic truths of who God is and why we need Jesus. My prayer is and continues to be that as I know I fail time and time again that ultimately God would change his little heart and draw him to Himself. That there would never be a day goes by that Reed (and the girls) would never remember not knowing and loving Him.
Reed we do love you so, so, so much! We are so thankful that the Lord brought you into our lives, that He chose us to be your parents--what a privilege and a blessing! And we ultimately continue to pray that you grow to know and love the Lord with all you heart, soul and mind---and walk with Him all the days of your life!