this sweet boy came into our lives.......
I seriously can't believe we have a 5 year old! How I feel he's always been with us, but yet I feel too like it was yesterday we were so anxiously awaiting his arrival, and to hold him in our arms for the first time!
Last year I wrote
this post about him turning 4 years.....I guess each year really is a big deal. But for some reason 5 seems so they are not really toddlers or hardly even preschoolers anymore. They are entering into a season of school-age, and that sure seems like a whole new world for sure! Though I wouldn't trade where we are at all; I do love and savor the past 5 years with this sweet boy--and it's also so fun and such a privilege to be where we are as well.

Reed is such a blessing in our lives; he has such a sweet heart. He has become such a helper these days, and he is always eager to please! Most of the time-- he is such a sweet big brother to his sisters. He loves to cheer them on--whether it's in watching Emery-Claire in her ballet class or encouraging Mary Etta in something new she is attempting, he truly is genuine and sincere in his words and actions to them. Lately, he has been questioning heaven and characteristics of God. Today we had a conversation that went something like this:
Reed--"heaven is a far, far, far away land"
Erica---"well, yes, heaven is God's kingdom"
Reed-- (not sure why this continued from one topic to the next but it did--I guess his little mind is just thinking so fast about so many things!) "Mommy we are sinful; and have sinful hearts. we need to pray that the Lord would change our hearts so we can be with Jesus."
Erica--"yes that is right. Has God changed your heart?"
Reed--"nope. not yet. I have to get bigger first!"
Well at least he knows what has to happen!
Happy Happy 5th birthday to one very loved little boy! We sure can't imagine our lives without you! We are so ever thankful for your sweet life, and know what a honor and privilege it is to be chosen as your parents! We pray each and everyday that you will never remember a day that you didn't know and love our Lord Jesus Christ! We love you!