Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Four Months

It's already time to write another update post on little Maggie! I can't believe she has been with us and apart of our family for 4 months now! Some days feel long keeping up with 4 little people......but then when you turn the corner of another month it seems so surreal how fast it goes by!

So on Saturday this sweet girl officially turned 4 months old!

She is just such a joy and full of pure sweetness! We are so blessed and thankful that baby #4 is so easy going......unless she's hungry or tired this sweet girl is full of smiles and coos and even some attempts at a little "uh huh" (beginning laughs with a big ole grin on her face!). It is so crazy that last year at this time we were just finding out God had knit her together. To be honest it was slightly stressful and overwhelming. We had lost a baby back in the fall, and were really back and forth with the idea of how to add (if we were going to add) to our family. Let's face 2 1/2, 3 1/2 and 5 1/2....things were beginning to calm down....they were seemingly becoming "easier" if I dare say that. We felt our heads were beginning to come up for air from the water we'd been swimming in for the past 5 years of having 3 children in less than 3 years! A missed nap for a 2 1/2 year old was not a big deal, outings were easier not toting a diaper bag full of all those baby essentials (granted she wasn't potty trained till later in the summer.....but it's not as big of a deal to grab a diaper or 2 as you run out the door).

But it was this week, right after Easter last year, I took that test. That test that has changed our family forever! I was scared to be pregnant again...honestly. Would I loose another baby....I was almost 37, would she develop ok? And the biggest deal.....oh please Lord let Reed have a I'd love to experience baby boy all over again....the trucks, the machines, the trains, dirt, all things boy! But again we were all shocked upon hearing in that ultrasound that God had ordained for it to be girl #3. 

But now she is here...she's healthy...she's perfect! We are all so smitten and in love getting to know her more and more everyday! Even big brother adores more than I could have prayed for him to! You'd never know that sweet boy was so confused having asked God to give him a brother and then to find out it was another sister.....but I don't think he could imagined it any other way either! 

How amazing it is to see that the Lord knows what is best for us, for our family. Last fall we had to go through loss.......but again He still was God, the God who He says He is. He is good, all the time God is good! And undeserving as we are....He did bless us, again, with another very healthy baby! Maybe it didn't balance out our boy/girl ratio....but He knew balancing out the ratio didn't really matter! He knew she was perfect for our family, regardless of what we "thought" was best. We love, love, love you Maggie Starks! How abundantly blessed we are by your presence in our family! I certainly couldn't have imagined last year at this time how perfectly this girl fits right into our mold, but she does! And we are ever thankful she is here with us....praying that she too will grow to know and love Jesus as her Savior---and impact people, nations with this great truth and hope of Him!

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