So last week our sweet girl officially turned 1 year old! 1 week ago today that is! So crazy to think last year at this time we were going through the newborn phase and learning life as a family of 5--and now I can't imagine it any other way! It definitely is so bittersweet as they get so big and grow and change so much.....
so onto our birthday celebration for our big 1 year old! these are a little out of order b/c I have a terrible time moving pictures around on blogger; so here they are.....
enjoying the you think she liked it??!!!

thanks joy for the receipe idea! it definitely was a hit for sure!!
mary etta LOVES her aunt neenee! they have become big buds as my younger, sweet sister came to louisville with us back in april for a couple days while we were there for a conference to help out with mary etta--so they bonded greatly during that time! right now sarah is in uganda on a mission trip with her husband and their church....we are so excited to see how God is using them overseas and are anxious for their return home next weekend!
About 2 weeks ago we traveled both to TN and GA for a little family time. Since it was the week before Mary Etta's birthday we just figured we would celebrate it while we were there. My family all met out at my dad and stepmom's home for a gathering---we attempted to have some fun on the lake but ended up with a rainy, overcast day. Oh well, at least it was still fun had for all!