Today was not just any ordinary day, nor any ordinary Sunday, today is Easter! The day to worship and celebrate that Christ has risen from the grave! The day that we proclaim our Lord has defeated sin and death! The day that gives us great hope---that our lives are not in vain! We didn't just start the morning in the best of spirits considering all we were celebrating........it's been a long week, Casey has traveled--which means I've been a single mom most of the week, then my allergies seem to have gotten the best of me, so all that to say I've been pretty worn out--and as much as I tried, I wasn't very prepared to start the day off as I had anticipated. I woke up to take pictures of the kids looking at their Easter baskets---camera battery dead (thank goodness for great iphone camera). Then because of not having myself up earlier and ready, we were unable to go to early service--meaning we had to wait til the late service at 11! Typically we have sunday school but since it was Easter there was just a mingling time---which with a 21 month old, 2 1 /2 year old, and 4 1/2 year old you really "don't" mingle all that much. So we were just home--trying to gather my sad sides for our lunch with friends (seriously I'm usually not so unprepared, but fatigue and feeling so blah was getting the best of me!) The children were fighting, climbing, toys everywhere--I think Casey and I were about to loose our minds! It's amazing how chaotic the morning can get when one is not organized and prepared. But thankfully there is much grace! Much grace that the Spirit pours onto our heart's attitude on this glorious day-- which (in all honesty) one we were already ready for it to be over before it had barely begun!
But yet how sweet He is! We did finally make it to church ( and on time), heard a wonderful sermon preaching truth and grace, and a great afternoon of fellowship (despite my poor, pitful food preparations) with dear friends. So once again I'm humbled by His faithfulness, and so thankful none of it depends on my efforts or doings! So we proudly proclaim, He has Risen indeed!