Thursday, June 3, 2010

Oh blog, oh blog!

Well, we are still here.......I think in my last post I mentioned computer issues. Well, our computer officially crashed! So we are in process of getting a new one....not real sure how quickly we will be up and running--hopefully sooner than later. Meanwhile, my camera continues to have LOTS and LOTS of pictures I need to download! But I'm obviously waiting on the new computer to do so. We've been at least able to get online using our really old computer. So we have something that works decently til we get the new one.

We've been busy swimming in the baby pool out back, going to the library, picking strawberries, and of course there were lots of pictures celebrating Emery-Claire's 2nd birthday! Next week Reed starts swimming lessons for the first time, twice a week! So I'm hoping he does ok and doesn't get too timid and scared--like he is known to do.

So for now I have no new pictures to post....but I did find this fun one from our first anniversary. We didn't get to take a long honeymoon since I had just started a new job and didn't have much time off work. So for our 1st year anniversary we took another trip to the Dominican Republic to another all-inclusive resort. So much fun the 2nd time around......we need to do something like that sometime soon (but all these babies have put it on hold lately). So I thought I'd post a picture from our, 4 1/2 years ago, and less 3 kids ago we look so young and fit! (And so tan---and now I'm so pale but so loading on the sunscreen to not get sun damage! Isn't it funny how just a few years later changes your perspectives on so many things!)
Oh, but maybe we'll look somewhat like that soon as we've started the P90X this past week! So now into week 2 of it I think I'm liking it more! It's been a little hard to get used to, but hoping it will help shape me up again! Be back soon!


  1. Erica, so ya'll are doing P90X! Yay! We've been doing it 30+ days now, and we really like it. However, we do start at 5 am, so most mornings I want to punch Tony Horton and all of his annoying comments! We joke that he is the Michael Scott (The Office) of workout videos. :) Glad ya'll are doing well! Good to see you last month!

  2. good for yall for p90x! We did it for a while it is tough and time are such a woman! seriously:) and you already look amazing!

  3. you already look fantastic! you have great determination & motivation & before long you'll be kicking better than Tony! love you.
