Monday, April 7, 2008

Havaianas and Tennessee

"Aunt Sarah----these two pics are for you!!!! Look how great they fit me for this summer!!" We're so excited to wear them, and glad you bought them for us last summer in Brazil! We love you and hope to see you soon!

Wearing the TN hat on a stroll in this lovely 70 degree weather today!! We're so excited it was so warm and hope to enjoy more days like this!

We pulled out the Havaianas that my sister, Sarah, got him last summer in Brazil. They fit him perfectly this year, and he looks so cute in them! He just stares at his feet and stomps around in them. It's pretty funny! So we got to wear them today since it was so nice and warm. Reed loves being outside, and he's not happy when he has to come in either. So we got to spend alot of time outside today, so he definitely loved that! And of course we had to sport the TN hat---always got to support our VOLS!!!!!
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  1. YESS!! I finally made the blogspot!! My next objective is to actually get my picture up there! :) I can't believe you remembered the havaianas (or even how to spell it). I totally forgot those. I'm so happy they fit him. The cute part is, I can acutally see him staring at his feet and then stomping around! I love you reeder!!

  2. Hi, Erica! I'm friends with the Millers via my hubby, Matthew Pearson (who went to school at UT with Drew & Em). He says he knows you from school too :) Anyway, I've heard that we have an option to do half-doses of the MMR, one week apart. I'm clarifying if that is the only way to break things up, or if we can give him an M and then an MR, or something like that. I'll post on it in a few weeks after we go to the ped's office for our son's 1-year check-up.
    Best Wishes,

  3. Goooooo VOLS! So glad to see that Genna has a little insight on the MMR, just like you. So nice to be supported in thoughts that seem silly, but that still weigh on my heart. love the flip flops, I cant get sp to not wear hers, I had to buy multiple pairs last year.....
