Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Our girl is 7 months!
Well, here is another catchup post.....since it's December 31, Emery-Claire did turn 7 months about a week and a half ago! I've been so immersed in sickness it is hard to think of all the things she normally is doing. Obviously since not feeling well, she has been more fussy and clingy. She is just a tiny, petite little girl. She is doing well and enjoying her solid foods. We've had sweet potatoes, carrots, apples, pears, prunes, bananas, and green beans. We have been stuck there since she's been sick, and had to lay low on some of the solid foods.
She still needs help with sitting up, and I try not to be concerned because motor wise I feel she is going to be at a slower pace than Reed was. At her 6 month, 2 week old checkup, she was only 12 lbs., 5 oz. (since that has been several weeks ago I feel she had put on some more weight, well, until maybe the virus hit!) So she is just a little girl and feels more like a 5 month old to me. I know when she's ready she'll begin to sit by herself, take an interest to be up on all fours and attempt to move. But most of the time she is a happy girl, and continues to love for everyone to talk to her and interact with her. She loves watching Reed, and laughs and giggles at him, as he does with her. She is just mellow and seems to sit back and soak it all in, babbling some, but I feel is often more quiet than Reed was. And what's funny is I felt worried about Reed's speech development at times!
Some Christmas pictures and Happy New Year!
Well, what else can one on a lovely New Year's Eve (so bummed to miss the party all are friends are at :(--- when your family has been sick for almost a week now?! Stuck out of town and a camera full of pictures, so download and blog of course! So here are some of the pictures we captured before the dreaded Rotavirus struck our family on Christmas day, last Thursday evening.
A little out of order, but these two pictures are Reed with his favorite pasttime at my mom and stepdad's house....trains! Donnie loves trains and has a entire moldel railway system he is always working on and building in the basement. Reed asks constantly to go down there and "go see the choochoos!" These pictures are from Monday night after getting discharged from the hospital, so he was so happy to go down there and watch the trains for a little while.

Trying on new boots from Nana.
Reed posing with Grandpa and Grandma (my dad and stepmom).
The adorable newlyweds, aren't they so cute and snuggly!!
Well, after we get moved and settled, hopefully we'll begin some potty training. So here is Reed already making some good practice, as he totally just sat down on his new potty with this book---is this just innate or something?!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
It's been a doozy....
Well, I know I wrote earlier this week about having sick kiddos. Well, since then it has gotten so much worse over the past 4 days. Saturday night about 9:30pm we decided it was time to have Reed see a doctor. He was almost lifeless, so lethargic, practically refusing to drink and had laid on the floor at my mom's all day long in and out of sleep, with constant diarrhea. So off to the ER Mom and I went, leaving Emery-Claire in the bed with my stepdad who was at home. Thank goodness we got there when we did (besides the fact that it was so packed out and we thought we'd wait there forever!) After being there probably 30 minutes the minimal Gatorade we had gotten Reed to drink earlier that day was coming out both ends, as we're sitting in the waiting room! Oh, poor little buddy, it was awful! About that time we were called back to finally see the triage nurse, where they gave us more towels and and a gown, since his pajamas had vomit and diarrhea all over them. Then finally around midnight we were called back to a room. We had wonderful nurses and a great doctor, who were great with Reed! So we were thankful for that! They did some blood work and determined he was definitely very dehydrated and in need of IV fluids. I thought he would freak out with getting the IV put in, but he did great! Though I know he was so weak and out of it, he probably didn't have much in him to fight against it. His labwork revealed he had the dreaded Rotavirus. I listed it as a link because it is a very serious virus that affects so many kids, and another factor he had against that an x-ray revealed an Ileus in his abdomen. So this making it basically impossible for him to digest anything on his own, basically his stomach was so overworked from the virus there was nothing more it could do on it's own! So the doctor felt he needed to be admitted for continuous fluid and be monitored closely to make sure all his stats improved. So up to the 3rd floor we went finally about 3am. The doctor also told us we were all exposed to this virus, and will probably have some form of it. Maybe not as severe as Reed, but some symptoms. Reed continued to improve Sunday, and little by little was drinking more and more fluids. Sunday morning Casey came to be with us as well, so I was grateful to have him be there. I know he was pretty scared that our little guy was so sick. Monday morning they felt they could stop the IV fluids and see how Reed did drinking on his own. Then by Monday afternoon they felt we could leave, yeah! So far he is doing so much better today, perking up more and more as the day went on. He is drinking well on his own, and hardly any diarrhea! Emery-Claire has had a little diarrhea since Friday, just occasionally though, and thrown up probably 2xs in the past 4 days. So the doctor said she may just have a more mild form, which may be due to the antibodies she is receiving in the breastmilk. So I am praying she stays the same and doesn't get any worse.
But as we thought we were overcoming the hump of illness, Casey started vomiting last night. He slept some and acted as if he was better this morning (with his now turning to the diarrhea), but again this afternoon he began to go downhill finally telling me he needed to see a doctor. So my stepdad took him to a walkin clinic, and he practically passed out in the waiting room! So they immediately took him to the back and gave him some IV fluids for his dehydration. He is home now and sleeping soundly.
I am the only one with no symptoms at this point. I suppose the Lord knew I needed to remain strong to take care of everyone! And I am so thankful we have been with my family, because I definitely couldn't have handled all this without my mom's help! So if everyone is doing better tommorrow, we may finally head home. But for now it's a wait and see thing. I am mainly just exhausted, so off to bed I will go soon to get a long night's sleep! Thank you to all our friends and family who have been praying for us and checking on us. We appreciate it and are thankful for you all! This is one nasty virus and has definitely been a Christmas we will never forget!
But as we thought we were overcoming the hump of illness, Casey started vomiting last night. He slept some and acted as if he was better this morning (with his now turning to the diarrhea), but again this afternoon he began to go downhill finally telling me he needed to see a doctor. So my stepdad took him to a walkin clinic, and he practically passed out in the waiting room! So they immediately took him to the back and gave him some IV fluids for his dehydration. He is home now and sleeping soundly.
I am the only one with no symptoms at this point. I suppose the Lord knew I needed to remain strong to take care of everyone! And I am so thankful we have been with my family, because I definitely couldn't have handled all this without my mom's help! So if everyone is doing better tommorrow, we may finally head home. But for now it's a wait and see thing. I am mainly just exhausted, so off to bed I will go soon to get a long night's sleep! Thank you to all our friends and family who have been praying for us and checking on us. We appreciate it and are thankful for you all! This is one nasty virus and has definitely been a Christmas we will never forget!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Time Events.....
Well, we have definitely had an eventual Christmas week. I haven't downloaded all the pictures so those will be coming soon. It started with last weekend being with my family. We had great family time filled with great food, seeing "A Christmas Carol" play, games, etc. Reed quickly understood "presents" and thinks daily there are some to open at this point. Since Christmas Eve we've been with Casey's family, well, mainly with his mom since my nephews have had a horrible stomach virus and had to quarantine themselves up in their home. Well, unfortunately it hit us late last night......yes, about midnight our little guy woke up crying and I went in to find him in a pool of throw up. So that was the beginning of a long night for Casey and I. It seems to have calmed down some this morning, and we're praying Emery-Claire doesn't get it! So not sure what the next few days will look like, we are supposed to be on our way to the CO New Year's conference tommorrow, but not for sure that will be the case.
We do have some good news....we did found out a house we looked at before we left town we are going to be able to rent! Yeah! It is a little smaller than what we have now, but knowing we are only renting and that it's temporary, and very close to the campus makes it very relieving to us. It is nice and new, so that makes me feel great to have something clean and fresh with young children. And the backyard is fabulous! It is so roomy for the kids to run around and fenced in, which I'm so excited about! So that was the real selling point for me!
Hope everyone else had a wonderful Christmas, and no sickness, which is definitely no fun! Praying ours ends soon! We did have some friends have a sweet baby boy yesterday, so that too was great news to hear their wonderful Christmas gift arriving on Christmas day! We love you and are so excited for you Chris and Katie! Congratulations!
We do have some good news....we did found out a house we looked at before we left town we are going to be able to rent! Yeah! It is a little smaller than what we have now, but knowing we are only renting and that it's temporary, and very close to the campus makes it very relieving to us. It is nice and new, so that makes me feel great to have something clean and fresh with young children. And the backyard is fabulous! It is so roomy for the kids to run around and fenced in, which I'm so excited about! So that was the real selling point for me!
Hope everyone else had a wonderful Christmas, and no sickness, which is definitely no fun! Praying ours ends soon! We did have some friends have a sweet baby boy yesterday, so that too was great news to hear their wonderful Christmas gift arriving on Christmas day! We love you and are so excited for you Chris and Katie! Congratulations!
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Willis Family Christmas!
These are some of the pictures from our "Christmas morning" yesterday. Last year we decided that since we travel to see our families, that we'd have our own celebration of waking up on "Christmas morning" a little early. With 2 little ones it starts rather early, so we start with a big breakfast!
The boys enjoying their breakfast of eggs, bacon and biscuits!Checking out the stockings....
Half family pics; I guess we could have pulled out the tripod to take one of all of us, but we didn't.
A little Christmas news that is a great "present" to us......our house has officially sold! The sign is down!! Our buyers finally did sell theirs and inspections are done, so we are now moving forward to close sometime in mid-January! We are excited that it has finally happened and have madly been searching for a place to live. We are leaning to rent as of now, although the market is prime for buying, but we just feel overwhelmed with our time crunch and not really finding "the house" so we don't want to just settle either. So the past several days have looked at quite a few rentals, and will hopefully make a decision soon. We obviously want to know where we'll be going when we come home from traveling as we'll have to basically start packing up! So we are thankful that God has finally moved and sold our house so we can be closer to the campus!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
First Snow!
Well, Tuesday morning we woke up to our first snow of the season! December is already too cold up here in Kentucky, so I can only imagine how long of a winter this is going to be! Reed was so excited to see the snow and kept saying "No" for "snow". I took him out there to walk around and explore, as you can see from the pictures below he had a great time, and did not want to come inside! I guess we'll have more of these days to look forward to this winter I'm sure.

Thursday, December 11, 2008
4 years ago today......
Four years ago today was Saturday, December 11, 2004. At 2 pm in the afternoon life changed as I knew it! Being 29 years old, how I had awaited my wedding day for what seemed like decades! And after meeting Casey Willis in October 2003, little did I know that day would soon be ahead us. Four years doesn't really seem like much time at all when you are 33 years old, but yet I don't remember much of what life was like before him either. Through the joys, tears, and hard times I am still so thankful for the man God has placed in my life! Marriage is definitely not easy, but yet I cannot imagine going through all that we've been through with anyone else. God brought us together for a reason, and for that we are so richly blessed to walk through our journey of life, His story of redemption together! It is a privilege to call you my husband, my mate, my best friend.....I love you Casey!
Happy Birthday Nana!
Today is Nana's birthday (in addition to our really special day which I'll mention next) and we all wanted to wish her a very happy birthday! We love you so much and we are so thankful for you and all that you do for us! Even though we don't see you very often we miss you dearly and want you to know that you are a precious blessing to us all! Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What we've been up to.....
I've been trying my hand at a few projects lately. The first are Emery-Claire's letters painted on canvas' to hang over her bed. Please don't zoom in closely as I know you will see LOTS of imperfections and mess ups. I traced them from some patterns I had, so I like the "w" and the "c" but am not real happy with the way the "e" turned out. Oh well, they are done and I don't think I'm up for doing it again, so for now this is how they will stay.

The next is my sewing.......I finally got a machine for my birthday in October, and have been practicing with little odds and ends before finally tackling my first project--a dress for Emery-Claire! So below are the pictures....I did use a pattern which really helped make it alot easier. But overall (even though I know there are imperfections on the dress too) I feel like it wasn't all that bad! So I look forward to trying some other projects in the near future for her again!
The next is my sewing.......I finally got a machine for my birthday in October, and have been practicing with little odds and ends before finally tackling my first project--a dress for Emery-Claire! So below are the pictures....I did use a pattern which really helped make it alot easier. But overall (even though I know there are imperfections on the dress too) I feel like it wasn't all that bad! So I look forward to trying some other projects in the near future for her again!
I even did covered buttons! Easier than I thought, and seem to finish it off nicely. I may have it monogrammed with a green "W" in the middle, but haven't done that yet.
Me and my girl! If you are wondering, I also had my hair chopped off! It's not the greatest picture of it here since it's mostly an adorable picture of her, but it's a bob slightly stacked in the back and angles down longer in the front! Very different than my usual long hairstyle, but fun to have something different! And drying and fixing seem to be a little easier because there isn't so much hair! So I've loved it so far.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
New month, new season,new background and a couple pictures!
I took a few pictures of the kids last night in front of our newly decorated Christmas tree (from over the weekend). Since I was doing it all by myself and it was before bed, I unbelievably got a few cute ones!
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